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Panopto Retention Policy

To comply with the University of Washington’s records retention policies — and to adapt to a new Panopto contract that charges for the number of recordings created, archived and stored — UW Information Technology will begin implementing a retention policy for Panopto recordings in June.

  • June 12, 2023: recordings not viewed in the previous 24 months will be archived in Panopto. If needed, you will be able to retrieve and view them.
  • December 18, 2023:
    • Delete recordings created or edited more than five years prior and that have not been viewed in the previous 12 months.
    • Archive recordings not viewed in the previous 18 months.
    • Deleted recordings can be retrieved from the recycle bin within 90 days of deletion.

UW IT recommends you to download any recordings you want to keep and to delete recordings no longer needed.

College Database Updates 128

Work Complete 1/24/22 – 2/11/22

Applicant Review

  • (Complete) The Apply Committee tool (assign new committee members to existing applications) will not prune reviewers that have a reason other than “Committee”. For example, if you added a reviewer because they were “Mentioned by Applicant” they won’t be removed by Apply Committee.


  • (Complete) Student facing public view of course plan is available. The old courses database public URL now redirects to the new version.
  • (Complete) Add Meetings report that shows sections with meeting times displayed chronologically across a week.
  • (Complete) Add explanation for section letters like ?A. These are created when one section takes another section’s section id letter. When you view one of these sections an explanation is show under the header with links to help you fix it.
  • (Complete) Update Faculty Year report for Area Chairs to show a three-year view (previous academic year, current AY, next AY).
  • (Fixed) Accepting instructors in the UWTS comparison tool updates the instructor summary displayed in header and list views.
  • (Fixed) Don’t import Independent Study (IS) supervisors when updating from Student Web Service.
  • (Complete) Don’t add log messages when deleting a Note that was created from a previous log message. This is part of the Curriculum Manager’s notification and To-Do management process.


  • (Complete) Added max length attribute to section letters on Course entry form. Long values here were causing a cryptic error.


  • (Complete) Provide system to mark users Inactive and replace them with another user on all pending orders. This system allows the fiscal team to swap out former employees in TREQ with their replacement.
  • (Complete) We no longer provide a Delete button on Department Approval cards. Functionally this was identical to Send Back (order goes back to creating and original submitter gets email, the Send Back button is still there and more clearly explains itself.
  • (Complete) Added max length attribute to item name input to keep users from adding long descriptions that don’t fit in the database field.
  • (Fixed) Returning to the project form and editing a field changed the owner to current users. This is fixed, now the original project owner is retained.


  • (Complete) Update all college database user fields to support longer Shared NetIDs. New Shared UW NetIDs can be up to 20 characters long. NetIDs for people (students, faculty, staff) are still limited to 8 characters.
  • (Fixed) Corrected a redirect rule where adding a trailing slash to a URL would delete the app name (e.g. “/oncourse/”) from the URL.

Help UW-IT build a better website for tech tools, services & support

Have time to help make IT Connect better? IT Connect is the UW’s go-to website for info on tech tools, services and support. It is being reimagined and rebuilt to better serve the University. Help improve IT Connect for everyone!

Visit the IT Connect user research page to volunteer for focus groups, card sorting and user research studies. When you participate in a user research study, you’ll get $10 on your Husky Card. (More money in your Husky Card account is great for campus services, dining, vending and more!)

Improving Prospective Student Experience with our Website

Our website plays a vital role in interacting and engaging prospective students, and we want them to quickly find the program they are looking for. As part of this initiative, we will be working with Evolving Web (a consultant group with a significant portfolio in User Experience analysis) to improve our public website experience. We will be reaching out to multiple members of our community (faculty and students) to gather feedback and test some ideas. We will greatly appreciate all your help and support during this process!

Practice caution with 3rd-party software

A message from Tom Lewis, Director of UW’s Academic Experience Design & Delivery:

As we continue to work, teach, and do research remotely, UW-IT and the UW Privacy Office have seen an increase in vendors offering free or affordable solutions to our UW colleagues. While these offers may seem like great solutions, it is important to know that a great number of free and affordable software, including subscription services, come with substantial data privacy risks. Many companies make these offers in order to acquire personal data about individuals, which directly improves the company’s marketability or financial well-being. They may reuse or resell personal data without regard for the UW’s employees, students, or other constituents. Two safeguards can help mitigate these risks to privacy: a personal data processing agreement and the IT Vendor Risk Management process.


Personal Data Processing Agreement

personal data processing agreement (PDPA) is required any time the UW engages a vendor in delivering goods, services, or IT solutions that involve personal data. It doesn’t matter if the solution is free, less than $10K, or more than $10K. Personal data is broadly defined as any record or information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. The agreement workflow on the Privacy Office website helps individuals identify if and when a PDPA is required in order to uphold UW’s values and principles related to privacy and addresses laws and regulations that govern the protection of personal data.


IT Vendor Risk Management process

Moreover, and especially if you want to integrate this software with other UW enterprise systems such as Canvas, UW-IT asks that you use its IT Vendor Risk Management process. In addition to protecting privacy by incorporating the PDPA, this process manages and mitigates a host of other risks. Many vendors have gone through this process; as a result, their software can be integrated with Canvas or used standalone. Learn more about the approved software vendors.


Thank you for your help in protecting the privacy of UW community members.


Please share this message with faculty and staff in your organization. This message was sent to the UW Administrators, Privacy Steering Committee, Data Governance Committees, IT Governance, Data Trustees, Data Custodians, Computing Directors Group, TechSupport, Privacy Office contact list, Student Data Council, Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning, Faculty Senate Chairs




Director / Academic Experience Design & Delivery

UW Information Technology

University of Washington



University Privacy Officer

Associate Vice Provost / Privacy

UW Privacy Office / Academic and Student Affairs


EDUCAUSE fall planning survey results

EDUCAUSE published the results of a short national survey looking at higher ed institution’s response plans for the fall. Overall, institutions are preparing for multi-modal education, combining online with face-to-face models. Institutions are also looking at ways to improve faculty and student support and other services. If you want to learn more about this survey, please visit the result’s website.

More Accessibility Resources

Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D. (Director, UW Accessible Technology & DO-IT), recently sent us a short list of accessibility tips for faculty:

20 Tips for Teaching an Accessible Online Course

with video at

She also pointed us to a comprehensive collection resources at:

AccessDL – more general content and resources for making online learning accessible to all learners

Non Technical Online Meeting Tips

LinkedIn recently published a fun article sharing some general tips for online meetings, along with a fun primer with zoom culture lingo (Zooming, Zoomba, Zoomitis). Follow this link to take a look at the article.

Online Exam Proctoring with Proctorio (by Karin Roberts)

The rapid shift to remote teaching has heightened concerns about academic integrity in a fully online learning environment. In response to many requests from campus units and faculty, UW-IT will provide an online proctoring service, Proctorio, for use during spring and summer quarters.

Anxiety’s impact on learning

Since academic misconduct has roots in anxiety — not only anxiety about grades, but also about new, unfamiliar situations, as well as health, safety, income and food security concerns, which are all factors of our current circumstances — instructors might first consider revising their assessments. The UW Center for Teaching and Learning has provided this helpful discussion of quizzes, exams, and alternatives. Re-evaluating assessments in light of the shift to teaching remotely is important, whether or not instructors choose to use online exam proctoring to address academic integrity.

About Proctorio

For online quizzes administered in Canvas, Proctorio can lock down a student’s computer during the quiz. It can also record the student’s webcam, desktop, or web browsing activity. The data captured by Proctorio during the quiz can be reviewed later by the instructor (and only by the instructor) should there be concerns about academic misconduct. Based on settings chosen by the instructor, Proctorio flags quiz recordings that exhibit suspect behavior, allowing instructors to review and evaluate student behavior during the quiz. Any incidents observed should be pursued by the instructor through regular student conduct processes.


The resources listed below provide an overview of Proctorio, address privacy considerations and other FAQs, and provide how-to guides for both students and instructors. This information has been developed by UW-IT in collaboration with the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Faculty Council for Teaching and Learning, and the UW Privacy Office.


Karin I. Roberts
Canvas Service Manager

UW-IT, Academic Experience Design & Delivery