Technology Center

May 28, 2024

Canvas Discussions & Announcements Redesign Launching June 12th!

Aiden Sizemore

Hello CoE Huskies!

On June 12th, UW-IT will implement the redesign of Canvas Discussion and Announcements! The redesigned discussions and announcements has all of the same functionality of classic discussions and announcements, with a new look and a few additional features.

Discussions and Announcements Redesign: What’s New?

 You can now:
  • Use the split screen to view the original post and its replies side-by-side.
  • Create anonymous discussions for more candid responses.
  • Sort Discussion and Announcement posts by date posted or filter posts to “All,” “Unread,” and “Read”.
  • Use the search tool to find posts within a discussion.
  • Use the @ character and select a person to mention them when replying to a post in a discussion that isn’t anonymous. Students who have their Canvas notifications turned on for “New Mention” will receive an email message.
  • Quickly see if the person responding is a student or instructor by using role labels.

Want more information?

Here is a quick resource from UW-IT: UW IT Connect Announcement & FAQ.

Prefer to take a deep dive into the documentation? Check out the updated Canvas guides: