Technology Center
November 16, 2023
A New Website for the College!
We are getting closer!
As you may know, we have been working on upgrading the main College website for the past year.
We are targeting a release of the updated site for mid-January, after the end of the early January admissions cycle.
Users will notice:
- easier navigation
- improved program information organization
- completely revised content
- significantly updated layout
- new user-friendly back-end editor experience
Before launching, we will offer previews and advanced training in December and early January. All current site users should have the same level of editorial access to the site upon launching.
We will also have demo sessions for:
- Small group demo session for advanced users.
- Open sessions for faculty and staff.
There is also planned training after the rollout to get everyone up to speed. Paul Keyes and Alex Clark will be able to answer any questions users may have.