October 16, 2008

Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out: History Report

Respondents give high marks to their history programs for “academic rigor,” and training in “critical thinking” and “data analysis and synthesis.” They also identified areas to target for improvement, including training in writing and publishing reports and articles and in how to teach, as well as providing concrete feedback to students on their progress, socializing students into the academic community and having a diverse student population. Surveyed historians urged programs to address the fact that the academic labor market cannot absorb all the doctorate holders, to be aware of opportunities for historians outside academia, and to recognize the value to society of historians working in diverse employment sectors. Even knowing what they know now about the history job market, more then 80% of respondents would get a PhD in history again.

Sclater, K., Rudd, E., Morrison, E., Picciano, J. &  Nerad, M. (2008). After the Degree: Recent History PhDs Weigh In On Careers and Graduate School. CIRGE Report 2008-04. CIRGE: Seattle, WA.

Download: After the Degree: Recent History PhDs Weigh In On Careers and Graduate School