Recent Projects


Period: 2013 – 2016
Research Collaboration. CIRGE actively collaborates with the program “Universities in the Knowledge Economy (UNIKE)”, initiative funded by the European Union. Currently, CIRGE researchers are developing a formative evaluation framework and actively engaging in academic exchange. Currently,  CIRGE team is working in the last details of the final report that evaluates the implementation of UNIKE. 


Period: 2013 – 2016

Assessment on Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programs

CIRGE is currently completing the formative Evaluation for the NSF funded IGERT doctoral program “Ecosystem Services for Urbanizing Regions IGERT (ESUR) at Portland State University.


Period: 2014 – 2016

PhD Career Path Track.  CIRGE is advising the Gutenberg University, Germany- Excellence School, MAINZ in the development of a survey for current and past doctoral students.