April 3, 2008
Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out: Anthropology Report
Presents key findings from the Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out based on anthropology graduates’ views of the quality of training and on their career paths. Offers evidence for the continuing relevance of PhD training for anthropologists’ careers and also suggests that programs and dissertation advisors leave students too much on their own when it comes to mastering practical skills and knowledge that would facilitate the transition from student to practicing professional in the actually existing labor markets for PhD anthropologists.
Rudd, Elizabeth, Emory Morrison, Joseph Picciano, and Maresi Nerad. 2008. Social Science PhDs—Five+ Years Out: Anthropology Report. CIRGE Report 2008-01. CIRGE: Seattle, WA.
Download: Anthropology Report
See a related article by Tami Blumenfield: Anthropologist in Motion