September 24, 2012
Professional Development of Doctorate Students
PhD holders are requested to collaborate, interact and communicate with professionals that come from different cultural and disciplinary backgrounds.
This section provides a set of studies that shed light about those factors that are crucial in the professional development of the doctorate holders in this global and more challenging environment:
- Nerad, M. (2000). On research and writing: A personal account. Newsletter for the Association for the Study of Higher Education, V.13, N 2, pp.1-3. Download: On research and Writing
- Nerad, M. (1996). A Second Look at Mentoring Graduate Students: Some Provocative Thoughts. In Vorausdenken Querdenken, Nachdenken (Thinking Ahcad, Thinking Against the Stream, Reflecting). Sigrid Metz-Gocke & Angelica Wetterer, eds. Frankfurt, Germany: Campus, 1996. Also presented as an unpublished paper at the University of California Conference, Monterrey, CA., 1990. Download: A Second Look at Mentoring Graduate Students: Some Provocative Thoughts
- Nerad, M. (1995). Beyond the Traditional Modes of Mentoring. In Gaffney, N.E., A conversation about Mentoring: Trends and Models, ed. Washington DC: Council of Graduate School, pp.18-24. Download: Beyond the Traditional Modes of Mentoring