Doctoral Education Worldwide
Economic theories of the knowledge economy are embraced by governments worldwide. These theories argue that knowledge is crucial to national economic growth and increased prosperity. As the knowledge economy theory has spread around the world, national governments in many places have turned to master’s programs, doctoral education, and postdoctoral preparation as a way of educating scientific and technical innovators.
This sections provides resources and articles that demonstrates how different countries are re-shaping the doctoral programs to participate in this new ground of knowledge.
- Nerad, M. & Evans B. Eds. (2014). Globalizing Forces and the Evolving PhD. Forces and Forms of Doctoral Education Worldwide. With introduction and conclusion and a separate chapter, “Fit to be Used” by M. Nerad. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers. See related note
- Nerad, M. 2011. It takes a Global Village to Educate the Next Generations of PhDs and Postdocs.” Acta Academia, Special Issue, vol. 2, pp. 198- 216. Download: It takes a Global Village
- Nerad, M. (2010). Globalization and the Internationalization of Graduate Education: A Macro and Micro View. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Volume 40, issue 1, pp.1-12. Download: Globalization and the Internationalization of Graduate Education
- Nerad, M. & Heggelund, M. eds. Chinese Translation (2010). Towards a Global PhD? Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press.
- Nerad, M and Heggelund, M, eds. (2008). Towards a Global PhD? Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide. With introduction and conclusion by Nerad, M. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Reviewed in Nature Magazine by Peter Scott, Vol. 454. No 7203, full/4, on line published 23. July 2008. Download: Towards a Global PhD?
- Nerad, M. (1994). Untersuchung ausgewählter Graduiertenkollegs in Hessen im Vergleich mit dem Doktorandenstudium in den USA. (A Comparison of Selected Doctoral Programs at German Universities with the American Ph.D. Program). Center for Higher Education and Work. Kassel: University of Kassel, Germany.