September 11, 2012

What is the Future of Doctoral Education in the 21st Century?

Dr. Maresi Nerad (Director of CIRGE), Professor at the University of Washington, and Dr. Beate Scholz, (Scholz Consulting), both researchers of CIRGE, discussed the future of Doctoral Education during the European Science Open Forum in Dublin, July 2012.   The experts presented their visions for the science PhDs of the future – and offered advice to research leaders, policy makers and students on how to best equip students for the 21st-century science workplace, based on their views, research and specific programs that might serve as models.

The panel was also integrated by Gene Russo, Editor of Nature Journal; Dr. Mary Mary McNamara, Head of the Graduate Research School at the Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland;  and Michael Lenardo, Founder of the NIH- Oxford/Cambridge Scholars Program.

Source: ESOF 2012.

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