November 29, 2012

Doctoral Fellowships in European Universities

The UNIKE project –Universities in the Knowledge Economy – is looking to fill 12 doctoral positions and 2 post-doctoral positions at 6 European Universities (AU Aarhus University, UB University of Bristol, UK Graduate School of Education, RU Roehampton University, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, LU Univerza V Ljubljani, and Universidade do Porto/FPCE) in an Initial Training Network (ITN).

Applications are welcome from anywhere in the world. The deadline for applications is 3 February 2013 at 17:00 CET.

Aims of UNIKE project

What are the changing roles and scope of universities in emerging global knowledge economies and regions? The first aim of the UNIKE project is to train a networked group of critical researchers who will examine these issues and especially compare developments in Europe and the Asia-Pacific Rim. The second aim of the UNIKE project is to generate potential research leaders who are committed and able to develop doctoral education in their own institutions and internationally.

Any offer of a position will be conditional on the applicant providing evidence that they meet the language proficiency requirements of the university in which they are enrolling.

 Job description

1. Undertake an independent research project, with academic supervision, including a secondment and/or research visits to associated partners, as agreed in a detailed ‘Individual scientific, training and career plan’, which is to be written within 6 months of the commencement of the appointment .

2. Complete the host institution’s doctoral training requirements and submit a thesis within three years.

3. Attend and participate in UNIKE’s 3 workshops, 4 summer/winter schools and final conference, help organise one of these events, and give a presentation at a minimum of one of these events.

4. Contribute to the formation and activities of a work package team led by the post-doctoral researchers by participating in webinars, wikis, etc. (e.g. to discuss literature, interview associated partners with relevant knowledge, share research and fieldwork plans, comment on each others’ draft chapters and papers).

5. Give papers at two international conferences and submit two articles to international peer reviewed journals. Contribute to a chapter in an edited volume resulting from the UNIKE project.

6. Disseminate research to a wide academic and general public by writing in other genres, including one individually or jointly written blog, one newspaper feature article and a multimedia release; by knowledge transfer in a form suited to a secondment partner where relevant (e.g. presentation, report, press release); and by presenting research results as a Marie Curie Ambassador to another university or school or the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association.

7. Other duties as specified in the relevant project description.


Doctoral students will be employees of their university for the duration of their UNIKE doctorate and will be given a full-time contract for three years. The salary for a doctoral position is set in accordance within the regulations of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network within the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme and the labour laws of the relevant country. In addition to the salary, funds have been allocated to cover the travel, accommodation and subsistence costs of attending all UNIKE workshops and summer schools, including a 2-week summer school in New Zealand; and towards the costs of secondments and research visits to Associated Partners, including the Asia-Pacific Rim.


For enquiries about the overall UNIKE project, please contact UNIKE Administrator Astrid Cermak or UNIKE Coordinator Professor Susan Wright For enquiries about individual positions, please see the contacts given in each individual doctoral project description.