Education Policy Analytics Lab
Policy Briefs/Reports
Convening Superintendents to Envision Ample and Equitable School Funding for Every Washington Child
Kendall Fujioka, David Knight, Anthony Craig, Mia Tuan, Kelly Aramaki, William Jackson, and Trevor Greene (2024)
Using Data in Evidence-Based Policy Processes through Building Research-Practice Partnerships
Min Sun, Eric Anderson, and Kevin Bastian (working paper)
What do states need to know about using multiple measures for school accountability?
Min Sun, Alec Kennedy, and Eric Anderson (in press)
What do graduate surveys tell us about teacher preparation quality?
Kevin Bastian, Min Sun, and Heather Lynn (2017)
Shaping professional development to promote the diffusion of instructional expertise among teachers
Min Sun, William Penuel, Kenneth Frank, H. Alix Gallagher, and Peter Youngs (2013)
Evaluation of the National Writing Project School Partnership: Report on a social network analysis
Min Sun (2012)