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Coming this Winter: Canvas Retention Policy

Content created in the UW Canvas LMS is retained for five years after the end of the academic year (considered to be June) in which the course section was offered. As this is the first year the policy will be implemented, courses from Autumn 2012 through Spring 2018 will be deleted on December 18, 2023.

To check which courses will be impacted by this change:

  1. Sign in to UW Canvas LMS by visiting
  2. Click Courses in the global nav at the left.
  3. In the Courses flyout menu, scroll down to the very bottom.
  4. Click All Courses.
  5. Click the heading of the Expires column to list the courses set to expire this year first.

If you wish to keep the course contents, please review the archival instructions from UW IT.

Generative AI Conversations

The term generative artificial intelligence describes a set of tools using algorithmic “brains” to create new content, including text, image, audio, or video. One of the most popular of these tools is ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), an online software tool that can answer any question based on a 4-year-old dataset.

This technology has raised many questions and discussions everywhere. Here are some resources from people within our University:

Video Recordings.

Interesting Research Articles


Other Resources


Panopto Retention Policy

To comply with the University of Washington’s records retention policies — and to adapt to a new Panopto contract that charges for the number of recordings created, archived and stored — UW Information Technology will begin implementing a retention policy for Panopto recordings in June.

  • June 12, 2023: recordings not viewed in the previous 24 months will be archived in Panopto. If needed, you will be able to retrieve and view them.
  • December 18, 2023:
    • Delete recordings created or edited more than five years prior and that have not been viewed in the previous 12 months.
    • Archive recordings not viewed in the previous 18 months.
    • Deleted recordings can be retrieved from the recycle bin within 90 days of deletion.

UW IT recommends you to download any recordings you want to keep and to delete recordings no longer needed.

Institutional Research

Greetings from Institutional Research! For those I haven’t met yet, I am the College’s new IR Director. As I continue to acclimate to the College of Education, I’m asking for your patience as I implement systems that will work well for myself and all of you.

For data requests, please keep the following in mind for best service:

  • Email (rather than my personal email) to help me streamline.
  • Include in your request:
    • Your research question
    • The audience for your question (Just you? A grant proposal? Accreditation or compliance report? Something else?
    • Do you anticipate this being a recurring or one-time request?
    • Your preferred timeline
    • (if applicable) The deadline for your report/proposal etc.


Google Shared Drive Service Update

Great news for people with shared storage needs greater than 100 GB. UW IT  is releasing a new service to replace the old Shared Drive service. This service is called “Google Shared Drive for Google Workspace.” The first 100 GB of storage for each Shared Drive will be subsidized by UW-IT until at least 2025/2026. Users that require more storage can request larger Shared Drives at a recharge rate of $19.44 per 100 GB of storage above the subsidized tier.

More detailed information is available at Google Shared Drive Service Offering – IT Connect

Pricing Cost Estimate

Shared Drive Size (Gb):

Monthly Cost

$0 if drive size is smaller than 100Gb

DocuSign Pilot

Moving DocuSign signed envelopes can be a tedious job, but it is a required step to manage retention policies for this kind of document. We have been working with UW-IT to conduct a pilot service to automate document backup on SharePoint. The service will create a copy of each signed document into a OneDrive folder. Please contact us if you are interested in participating!