How to Get Started

Currently, we are seeking schools for ongoing, collaborative partnerships. We have several opportunities to gain access to the ibestt software application, including research studies, user testing, and evaluation of training components. Participating schools get free access to the web-based software, initial and ongoing professional development to use the tool and provide support for Tier 3 implementation, and in some cases research payments for teachers and staff.

To use ibestt, participating schools should have a framework for teaching appropriate student behavior, a team-based student support process, expertise in providing function-based behavior supports, staff commitment to proactive behavior approaches, and administrative support for using ibestt.

To get started as one of our collaborative partners, contact us to see if ibestt is a good fit for your school or district.

  • Complete the ibestt School Readiness Screener (below).
  • Provide your contact information and any questions.
  • Someone from our team will email you about the next steps.

Thank you!

ibestt School Readiness Screener

    Is ibestt right for your school? This School Readiness Screener lists 10 requirements for using ibestt. Schools that have these components in place will have the information, resources, structure, and support needed to use ibestt successfully. Complete this self-assessment by answering Yes or No to the following statements. Address any component that is not in place prior to submitting the application below.

    School and team structure

    School has a multi-tiered system or framework for teaching appropriate student behavior and preventing problem behavior.


    School identifies the teachers/staff who will organize and implement individual-student behavior supports in collaboration with the school’s other behavior support systems.


    Behavior expertise

    At least one staff member has the expertise to conduct functional behavior assessments and develop function-based, contextually appropriate student support plans, and will be available to coordinate individual-student behavior supports.


    Team members agree to develop their expertise in positive behavior supports.


    Administrative support

    School leadership (administrator) supports the implementation of positive behavior supports.


    Release time or other compensation is available to allow teachers and team members the time for assessment, observation, coaching, implementation, and professional development.


    Staff beliefs about student behavior

    School staff believes student problem behavior is best addressed using proactive approaches, such as positive behavior supports.


    Teachers agree to implement positive behavior supports in their classrooms or other school settings in collaboration with behavior coaches.



    Staff members have access to Internet-connected computers or tablets for use with student behavior supports.


    Staff members have basic computer and tablet literacy.


    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    School District (required)

    Your Role (required)

    Message (required)