Technology Center

February 26, 2018

Cycle 73

2/5/2018 – 2/23/2018 Work Complete Appreview Updated Apply portal for new applicant questions required for ECFS and ECO. The answers to these questions are now displayed in the Appreview applicant detail page in a section labeled "Supplements". Courses Fixed person typeahead input in "Add Instructional Staff" form, was displaying ghost text in Mac Safari. Fixed…

February 5, 2018

Cycle 72

Work through Feb 2, 2018 This is catch up post for work complete over the last few weeks. It's been hectic with team transitions, but I will be getting back to regular updates. Thanks! Work Complete Appreview Support around Rubric assignment. The tool in Appreview that maps rubrics to applicants is not as clear as…