Technology Center
January 23, 2017
Cycle 49
1/9/2017 – 1/20/2017 More work on Student 2 this cycle. Planning on a rollout meeting Thursday, Feb 2. Work Complete Appreview New rubric form prompts for program category. This value is used to organize rubric list on "Enter Scores" page. Make sure tally runs in all rubric creation workflows. Found a bug where creating a…
January 9, 2017
Cycle 48
Dec 12, 2016 – Jan 6, 2017 We doubled up the development cycle for the holiday shortened weeks at the end of the year. This cycle saw some fixes to Courses, Tech Support, Test Scores and more work on the Recruitment RSVP tool. We continued to forge ahead with Student 2, focus on Placement data, still…