Apr 25, 2016 – May 6, 2016
Work on our sandbox server has gotten back-burnered the last couple cycles and we are getting in sight of our July 30 end of Redhat license. First priority this cycle is getting all of our various applications running on the sandbox server with the new stack so we can make decisions about new servers.
Work with student data loading has shown us that the very manually tweaked data load is not sustainable. We are looking at an alternative approach that doesn't attempt to create an artificial "degree progress" record which doesn't exist in UW student data. Instead we are looking at a data model that is tightly coupled to how UW represents student records. This changes the context of our STEP views, but allows us to refresh and integrate with official UW student data much more easily and accurately.
Work Planned
- Sync all web content and databases from COE production server to sandbox for current testing environment.
- Install Shibboleth (UW single sign on software) on sandbox.
- Update all COE applications to work with Shibboleth while maintaining backward compatibility with PubCookie.
- Sandbox network and firewall configuration.
- Help research and resolve Drupal 7 / PHP 7 issues.
- Continue refinement of course buy-out & merit reporting based on user feedback.
- Create plan (database diagram) for new student data model. Review data model agains existing STEP functionality and upcoming reporting requirements.
- Create base student record tables (current, completes, major_quarter) and update load process to populate these tables.
- Requirements document for comments and attachments in STEP. Meet with stakeholders.
Test Scores
- Update data model (create database diagram) based on experience so far with test score data.