Technology Center

December 21, 2015

Fall Quarter – Cycle 25

12/21/2015 – 01/01/2016

After all of this you might think Appreview is done. We can always find ways to make it better! This cycle (minus a couple days for the holidays) will include a few more touch-ups on Appreview before we fully leap into Undergraduate Applications in Appreview. Additionally we are making some important revisions to Courses to get you all the data you need and encourage everyone to keep Courses the up-to-date system of record.

Work Complete


  • Moved Appreview update to new (Version 3) Grad School application web service.
  • Graduate Non-Matriculated (GNM), by default, are filtered out of application reports following the program configuration (this program reviews GNM or does not). There is a new GNM filter in the report pickers which allows users to include or exclude GNM applications.
  • Withdrawn applications are, by default, filtered out of application reports. There is a new Withdrawn filter in the report pickers which allows users to include or exclude withdrawn applications.
  • Identified and refined tools to monitor applications that are referred to other programs. Got ok for this approach from Office of Student Services and Academic Support Team.


  • Course number reuse over time. Did some work on this, but discovered disconnect in UW data. UW overly separates courses (every time a course property changes UW treats it as a new course) which would break Course Planner database ability to group comparable courses. 

Work Planned


  • Migrate to new Grad School Web Service. We currently depend on a deprecated version of the Grad School applicant web service. We need to migrate our application to their new version before the old one is shut off and to open the possiblity of bug fixes and enhnancements.
  • Graduate Non-Matriculated (GNM) report filter, allow users to choose to show or hide GNM applications.
  • Withdrawn application report filter, hide withdrawn applications by default, but provide report filter to optionally include.
  • Referral tools, provide reports, fields, and possibly notifications to support tracking of applications referred to another program.


  • Allow course numbers to be reused for different course titles/curriculum over time
  • Add data to CSV export including all teaching staff (multiple instructors, TAs, graders) and assigned rooms
  • Include canceled reason in the offering comments tab
  • Add "Meets During Finals Week" to room preferences. Knowing this may make more (bettter?) rooms available to COE faculty.
  • Allow OSS to configure when room scheduled is settled and should be included in Courses database.