08/31/2015 — 09/11/2015
We merged cycles 17 & 18 into a super cycle. Paul had vacation so it was shortened. Additionally we were working on Test Score repository which ended up being a very fluid (figure out the requirements as we built it) kind of project. We have a the functional base of test score repository working that will support our reporting process for PESB (Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board).
Work Complete
- Report of all courses with any tags and a list of all the tags each course has
- Fixed a problem with import of initial advisors from Applicant Review. Added this as an automated job.
- Corrected endorsement addition certificate type
- More readable view of doctoral supervisory committees. Separate view of reading committee.
- Added longitude and latitude to placement institutions in STEP to support visualizations of teacher placements in Tableau.
- Tool to import a spreadsheet of prospective students into recruitment database (eg. sign up sheets from events and info sessions, shared data from other organizations).
Test Scores
- Imported all available test score data including WEST-B, WEST-E, NES, ACTFL, Praxis, and edTPA from data files provided by testing agencies and ACT and SAT from UW test score data.
- Provide summary counts of test scores in system by type along with percentage that have been matched to college person records.
- Use SDB system key in test score import fields to match test scores to person records
- Search for test scores by person. Searches college person records (students & applicants) and also person information found in test score import files.
- Test score detail view
- Forms to add test scores to system. Forms for each test score type that provides custom fields appropriate to that test score.
- Created a user interface for defining certificate and endorsement requirement rules and defining evidence rules which specify the test scores that satisfy requirements.
- Provided SQL queries so evidence for PESB reporting can be extracted from database.
- Migrated this blog from UW Blog Network to College of Education center/dept server
Work Planned
Test Scores
- Import all files in Google Drive sample files, review import code for ongoing usage
- Import SAT and ACT from UW data
- UI to create Requirements, Requirement Rules, and Evidence Rules