Cycle 9: 05/11/2015 — 05/22/2015
Work Planned
This cycle we are beginning work on the long planned rebuild of the applicant review system. This project paves the way for a long set of important features including integration with student views, historical data, and undergraduate applications. Work on this project will continue into the summer.
- Applicant Review
- Business Operations
- Budgets
- Courses
- Grants
- Help Desk Tickets
- Person
- Infrastructure
Work Complete
Business Operations
- Worked on “Ticket First” strategy for business operations database. System will expose a core request handling system similar to Help Desk ticket system. Tickets provide the structure: ticket number, requester, staff assigned, status, collection of messages. Forms will be specific structured data attached to tickets.
- Budget status on list view
- Budget status as search term
- Download budget lists
- Display assigned fiscal manager in grants system
- Search last 4 digits of budget number
- List offerings with no instructor
- Fix person update and schedule nightly updates
Help Desk
- Email ingestion, emails are received by system and added as messages to tickets
- Added primary email field to ticket system for non UW users
Applicant Review
- Work started on move to local application data, information gathering and planning.
- Requirements gathering meetings with OSS, AST, TEP
- Responsive menu changes from top of page menu to left hand sidebar based on screen size, makes applications more mobile friendly
- Reviewed database options, decided on shared database to simplify data reuse and reporting
- Built migration from existing applicant database to shared database
- New development environment authorized for web service with Grad School
- Select platform for revised applicant review, will share platform with People/Budget system, and started project
- Rename Pubcookie application contexts to avoid cookie too large error
- Upgrade techwiki and coewiki software
- Add info system context menu to all systems, provide link to various tools such as applicants, students, grants, etc.