Technology Center
February 17, 2015
Winter 2015 – Cycle 3
02/16/2015 — 02/27/2015
Work Planned
- Grants – sponsor info and views
- Courses – comments & bugs
- Recruitment – email
- Business Ops Ticket System
- Applicant Review – user management, local data
- Infrastructure
Work Complete
- Normalize person data, support local person records
- Refine grant views to emphasize useful information
- Display originating sponsor and sponsor contact information
- Edit and delete due dates
- Calculate grant end date
- Data research PAC, payment type, budget end date
- UW “boundless” theme, compressed header, more mobile friendly
- Forms style refined cleaner, mobile improvements, more data hints
- Comments on offerings
- Expected flag for offerings created by repetition rules
- Bug differs from UWTS
- Bug historical, lock edits
- Finalize one-off bulk email tool
- Delete old/empty groups
- Production code brought into version control
Business Ops Ticket System
- Edit travel request form to add note fields for each $ item
- Update text on personal travel question
- Move “Amount Capped” fields to Financial fields and make editable only by fiscal staff
- Edit form locking functionality based on status fields
- Update text on personal travel question
- PHP 5.5 on production
- Create requirements gathering document/checklist
- Version control setup and documentation