January 14, 2015

CIRGE researchers participate in the conference “Universities in the Knowledge Economy”: Perspectives from Asia-Pacific and Europe

Universities-in-knowledge-economyWhat is the place of universities in the emerging ‘ecology’ of higher education systems that straddle industry, government and the public sphere? The conference “Universities in the Knowledge economy: Perspective from Asia-Pacific and Europe” will gather a selected group of researchers since 10th-13th of February in Auckland – New Zealand. Scholars from Asia, Europe and the USA will deeply elucidate the implications of the knowledge economy in the transformation of the universities. 


CIRGE researchers will contribute to this academic discussion analyzing the transformation of the doctoral education and public universities. Dr. Maresi Nerad, director of CIRGE, will present her paper “Prestige gaining through new doctoral programs”. This research examines the strategies and mechanisms used by teaching intensive universities to gain prestige through the development of interdisciplinary doctoral training.  Roxana Chiappa, research assistant at CIRGE, will analyze the role of the Chilean public universities after the Chilean government implemented a new framework of scientific and innovation policies. Corina Balaban, one of the UNIKE fellows and CIRGE visiting scholar, will present a paper on the ““Shifting Models of Doctoral Education: Governance and Transformations in the Knowledge Economy”.

This conference is supported by the EU-funded project UNIKE ( – Universities in the Knowledge Economy and the University of Auckland, and funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.  


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